My Clit Is Currently Much Bigger Than Before
223,313 100%
CLOSE UP of my excited BIG CLIT and PUSSY, With a lot of REAL PUSSY JUICE
Everyone is attracted to roided-up female bodybuilders these days. They have corrupted the minds of EVERYone. Women want to be them, want to be dominated by them... AND MEN want to be them (half the cross-dressers and trannies nowadays are going for the FBB look - not girly/sissy look) and want to be dominated by them and fuck them. 20 years ago, videos like this would only have "ewww gross!", "looks like a man!", "is that a man with a small cock??" "STEROIDS!! Yuck!", "I'm on the weird side of the internet again"... comments under it.. Now it's all "omg so hot", "I want to suck that big juicy clit"... How times change.. Men on estrogen these days, men getting fake tits, 6'3 tall men craving to be dominated and acting like girls, women on steroids with bigger arms than a prime Arnold and pegging men.... what a circus. I like it (except tall men/bottoms).. but it's just wrong. So so fucking wrong. Society is FUCKED. R.l.P. mankind.