Hello. Hi. Who are you? I'm Ella Hollywood. Ella Beverly Hills? No, Ella Hollywood. Ella Topanga Canyon? Hollywood.
Ella North Hollywood? No, just Hollywood. Ella Burbank? No. How old are you? I consider Ella Glendale. I'm 19.
Ella Pasadena. 19? 19. Wow, you are stunning. Thank you very much. I mean, you're fucking stunning. I don't even know what to say.
Your heart is a rock. Yes, I got lucky. I got good genes. This gal stays hard thanks to Camagra and Viagra. You're just horny as fuck. Let's not lie. I mean, even if you didn't take that, you'd be horny as fuck.
So, you're in porno. What are your thoughts so far? I enjoy it, honestly. I've been having a really great time. Everybody I've met has been super sweet and super wonderful. I really love it.